Basics of Yacht Charter
New to yachting? Some of the terms in the field will be unfamiliar. How can one learn to yacht without buying one? Through the use of yacht charter, of course. This is the practice or renting a yacht for personal travel. These can be vacation or business activities. But it is not as simple as just getting a boat to rent. Once must consider what type of rent the need to acquire. When looking for a charter one needs to keep in mind the size of the boat, the length of the trip, the number of passengers, and the skill of those going. Charters come in two main types. Bareboat charter and crewed charter.
Bareboat yacht charter is the practice of renting a boat without a crew. This means the person doing the renting must skipper the ship themselves. One can take courses in preparation to skipper the ship and to learn the basics. If one has experience on a yacht then a bareboat charter can be rather fun. However, a first-time yachter might wish to consider another form of charter. One subtype of this form of the charter that bridges over with crew chartering is skippered charter, in which the boat comes with a captain, and the passengers are expected to act as crew.
Crewed yacht charter ranges from the small two-person crew needed for a thirty-five-foot vessel to the huge three hundred-foot ship that has a crew of over thirty. These charters come in two categories as well. You can choose from un-inspected charter or inspected charter.
Un-inspected yacht charter of passenger yachts usually carry six or fewer passengers. They are often called six-pack charters. This is the first type of license that captains start out with. You can choose from a wide range of boats with this type of charter, from sailing yachts to power yachts, or even fishing type boats. Falling in the low range of cost, these small charters can do both ocean sailing and bay sailing. They always have a captain on board, and usually have at least one other crew member.
Inspected yacht charter ranges all the way up the megayacht size of the ship. Any crewed charter for over six passengers will be an inspected type of charter. They can house up to several hundred people on large sailing yachts to dinner cruise ships. Inspected charters feature things like catering, live music, DJ services, and such, all of which a smaller charter cannot do.

A yacht charter can range in cost from around a thousand dollars a person per week to over seven hundred thousand dollars per person per week. Most crewed charters average twenty thousand per person per week for the most luxurious ships, however, and the high end is for the three-hundred-foot yacht charters. No matter what you need or budget, however, one cannot underestimate the value of experience while yachting. Employing a charter is a great way to get this experience without having to own a yacht.
Basics of Yacht Charter